We are committed to treating individuals with respect. This is why your information’s confidentiality is crucial.

We collect personal information to improve your experience. If you believe your information has been compromised, please contact us. By consenting to the terms of this Privacy Policy, you also authorise us to contact you by phone, email, or SMS, even if your phone number is on the Do Not Call (DNC) registry.

Your Personal Data may be gathered and used by us for any of the following reasons:

a) fulfilling our commitments when we provide the products and/or services you have requested or in conjunction therewith;

b) verifying your identity;

c) responding to, handling queries, applications, requests, complaints, and feedback from you;

d) managing your relationship with us;

e) to fulfil or adhere to any duty, rule, or agreement regarding the use or disclosure of data that is:

a) any law, regulation or corporate rules that compel or apply to us;

b) any laws or guidelines published by any regulatory, legal, governmental, or other body relevant to Personal Data protection and/or the sectors in which we operate (“Authority”);

c) any present or future fulfilment of a contract between you and us.

d) any case in which your authorization is not required by the PDPA, including the use or disclosure of Personal Data in response to an emergency threatening your health, life, or safety.

e) any other purpose for which you have shared the information;

f) disclosing to any unrelated third party, including our third-party service providers and agents, as well as relevant governmental and/or regulatory authorities in Singapore and elsewhere, for the aforementioned objectives.

We make sure your data stays safe.

We take appropriate steps to keep your personal information safe against unauthorised access or disclosure. We encrypt transmission of data on pages where you provide payment information. However, no security or encryption method can be fully guaranteed to protect your information from hackers or unforeseen human error.

We will only disclose your information in these circumstances.

If required by law, we may share your information in the following situations: (1) with your express agreement; (2) in connection with an investigation of possible criminal activity or fraud; or (3) to any purchaser in the event of a merger, acquisition, liquidation, dissolution, or transfer of assets. Subject to time and legal constraints, we endeavour to notify you prior to releasing any of your data under such circumstances.

We will keep you updated on any material change to these terms.

The terms of this Privacy Policy was last updated in Dec 2022.

Our Privacy Policy may change from time to time. If we make significant changes to our Privacy Policy, we will provide a prominent notice on our website. You acknowledge that this posting will serve as appropriate notice of these changes to you. 

You acknowledge that your continued use of our website following such a change constitutes your acceptance of our new Privacy Policy.

Our Privacy Policy is subject to any existing laws of the Republic of Singapore in relation to the protection of information. We shall divulge any information that is legally necessary by the appropriate and legitimate authority, in accordance with the orders of the competent court, if needed by any lawful authority for any legal reasons, such as the enforcement of any laws or the prevention of any violations of laws.

If you have any questions or want to learn more about our Privacy Policy, please contact us.